OS 8 surface protection system MC-DUR 1200 VK / MC-Floor TopSpeed

Our OS 8 surface protection system with MC-DUR 1200 VK and MC-Floor TopSpeed as top seal coat offers a very high mechanical resilience and an easy application. It is absolutely UV and yellowing resistant.

OS 8 surface protection system MC-DUR 1200 VK / MC-Floor TopSpeed
No. System Build-Up Product Consumption
1 Scratch coat primer MC-DUR 1200 VK + quartz sand 0.1–0.3 mm + + thixotropic agent MC-Stellmittel TX 19 (1 - 3 %) approx. 800 g/m² + approx. 800 g/m²
Dry shake Quartz sand in excess
2 Top seal coat MC-Floor TopSpeed approx. 500


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